Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Bon-Bon Queen

Alright, friends...why hasn't anyone ever told me what kind of child I have? She has become quite the little "boss" this week (or was she always that way?) "You sit there....Get me that...Go do this...." I can't quite figure out if the therapists are amused, appalled, or just accepting the 'tude as typical of most kids her age. I really can't say enough about the therapists and how good they are at working with the children.

Sarah Kate is still showing signs of being unstable, but she is improving. Today she used the prone stander again, sat with her legs out in front of her while she played ball (they place animal-shaped sand bags on her legs to hold them stretched out straight), and practiced getting on and off a stool the right way. Previously, she always pushed up both legs at the same time - now she is learning to put one leg up with the foot flat on the floor first. She continues to try to sit with her legs in a "W" position, so we have to continuously work at changing that to a side sit or "criss cross applesauce." She doesn't resist the change anymore, but it does not come naturally to her yet.

Sarah Kate was cast for new braces today - the new ones will be slightly different than the old in that they will have a top strap around the calf that she didn't have before. It is my impression that this choice is a temporary move. I let her pick out her own strap design this time (I gave her five choices to choose from instead of the whole set), and she chose a pink strap with XOXO's and kisses on it. I found out later that the name of the design is "Sarah's Hugs and Kisses." They will have pink padding and a pink top strap.

We have had a nice, slow, relatively easy day today. Sarah Kate is sleeping great, which is really wonderful news and somewhat unusual. We continue to receive emails and cards (Scott tells me that the stack at the house is enormous), and we welcome them all. While I like a phone call, I can read and re-read an email or card over and over again to lift my spirits. I've been told that the reach of the blog is growing every day, and I am so amazed at the interest that people have taken in our story. I've been told that we are "inspiring," which I can't fathom, but I hope that in some small way I am able to encourage someone or make just one person spend a little more time in prayer, or spend a little time more hugging her child. Bless you all! We are watching a miracle develop each day.

'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty. - Zechariah 4:6

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