Tuesday, January 17, 2006

She’s a Feisty One

When Sarah Kate was barely one day old, the NICU nurse told us that “she’s a feisty one.” Apparently, in the neonatal realm, feistiness is an intangible, but very real, benefit. The fighters are the ones that thrive. Back in those days, she hated to be messed with. She would scream like a banshee whenever the nurses would take her temperature or change her diaper (quite a sight for a 2-1/2 pound baby), but as soon as they finished she would be fine. Sarah Kate has always been feisty, and today was no exception.

She’s getting tired, despite the fact that she’s sleeping well at night. She slept for thirteen hours Monday night, and would have slept longer, I believe, if I hadn’t had to wake her up for an 8am therapy appointment. I tried to get her to take a little nap after the morning PT, but in spite of the fact that she laid in her bed for two hours, she never did go to sleep. I tried to get some lunch into her before heading to the doctor’s office at 1pm, with no luck. I even called Scott and had him give her something of a mealtime “come to Jesus speech” without success.

The Botox was probably the worst thing we’ve dealt with so far. She got very upset, screaming and crying and gripping both of my hands as tightly as she could. That’s the bad news. The good news is that it only lasted for a minute or two and then it was over (and, true to character, she was over it and fine). The doctor decided to Botox her hamstrings only, with one receiving a bit more than the other. The effects of the Botox won’t really show up for about 5-7 days, but I am anxiously waiting to see how she benefits.

Therapy went well again today. It’s going so well, in fact, that she’s completely “herself” in therapy, which means a little bit of attitude. I was absent part of the time during both therapy sessions today, because having Momma there seems to be somewhat counterproductive at times. I can’t say enough about how great these therapists are in working with kids – I just sit back (or walk out of sight) and let them handle it. Our girl is definitely back to her old self. As far as progress, she is almost back to where she started in terms of functional abilities, and has added some skills and improved on others. Each and every day I can see improvement in her little body.

Sarah Kate fell asleep early again tonight – actually in the car on the way from PT around 5:00. I took off her shoes and braces and put her leg brace on with very little response from her. She went to sleep in her regular clothes, without a bath, and I think that’s perfectly fine. I did tell her goodnight and hear a tiny voice say “I love you, Momma” before I walked out. All of the frustration I had from her earlier attitude melted in that instant, and Scott reminded me tonight that it’s feistiness that’s going to drive her and feistiness is going to push her to that next level. I thanked God that she’s a feisty one.

I can do everything through him who gives me strength. - Philippians 4:13

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