Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Double Duty

Today was Sarah Kate's first day of two-a-days in PT. She spent two hours in the morning practicing her sitting, both on a bench and in "criss-cross applesauce" position (I've been asked what that phrase means, and it's what we called "Indian-style" when I was a kid). She whined a little, but for the most part things went pretty smoothly. We didn't have a very long break today between sessions, so I fed her McDonald's in the 4Runner on the way back to the apartment so she could crash as soon as we arrived, which she did.

We went back for another two hours this afternoon, where she practiced standing. Don't get too excited, though, because she was in what is called a prone stander - it holds her in a proper standing position. She played at a table in the standing position for a long time, and she looked really good and strong. I have been asked a lot of questions over the past couple of days about whether or not she will have serial casting, what to expect at the end of these first three weeks, etc. The answer is that we still don't know - because kids that have this surgery are a little tense and apprehensive for the first several days of therapy, they wait to make those decisions/projections until things have settled down. We should know more the end of this week or the beginning of next.

I don't think I realized how tired I was until today. Things were definitely easier when Scott was here, but we made it through today without any problems. She began to wish for home and her kitties a little bit today, but the apartment is still enough of a novelty that it wasn't a big issue. We have gone out to eat the past two nights, which is nice, but it's work just to go to a restaurant these days! I'm looking forward to staying in tomorrow evening and taking it easy. Sarah Kate really does show it when she's tired, but she continues to keep that bright smile on her face all day long. Tomorrow night it will be just us girls, hanging out and watching TV (please, no more "Shrek"!)

But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. - Luke 5:16

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