Friday, January 13, 2006

Still Speaking

Our day began bright and early with PT at 8:00. Sarah Kate enjoyed a massage of her hamstrings, participated in some stretching exercises, played while sitting on a peanut-shaped exercise ball, stood in the prone stander, and pulled herself across the floor on what is basically a square skateboard. She spent three hours in therapy this morning, but didn't have to come back in the afternoon. We were told to work on the stretching exercises over the weekend (three times a day), and to pick up a pair of wrist weights (to put on her ankles). She is getting a little more comfortable playing in the "right" positions, which helps me because I don't have to police her as much. Although her initial instinct is still to W-sit on the floor, she is gradually beginning to realize that's no longer allowed. Tonight, just before bathtime, she told me she didn't want to do "criss cross applesauce," but would do side-sit instead. Progress!

In terms of real world, practical gains, she really hasn't made any yet. For those who haven't spent a good deal of time with her, that fact may seem a little bit discouraging. To me, however, the improvements have been dramatic and are just the tip of the potential iceberg. One perfect example: before the surgery, if you took your fingers and grabbed hold of her calf, it would be as hard as granite. Now, I can do the same thing and the muscles are soft and pliable. The physical therapy is meant to develop true strength in those muscles - something that she has never had before.

Our "quirky" furnace acted up this evening and I finally felt I had to call in reinforcements. The people from the church who keep this apartment building ministry going came out personally, on a Friday night, to make sure that Sarah Kate and I were comfortable. We had backup space heaters "just in case," but they still took time out of their busy weekend to take care of us. God continues to bless us each and every day.

Please add to your prayers today Sophie, the other little girl who had SDR surgery the same day as Sarah Kate. She has not been sleeping well (and therefore, neither has her mother), and has had some problems with sporadic fever and with her incision. She was not able to do much today at therapy and will have to spend most of the weekend resting. I know that prayers have worked for Sarah Kate - please say them for her friend, Sophie, too.

On a final note - another mom of a special needs child once said to me: "These children that God has given us all have said yes to God long before they came to us and it is through them that we as parents will be perfected as God has so planned." If I am perceived to be of strong faith, it is because I am encouraged by my special daughter.

Have a wonderful, blessed weekend - I'll be back here on Monday.

It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear. - Isaiah 65:24

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