Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The "Parpet"

Things continue to progress well. We had our first crying jag today, but I have to admit that I don't blame Sarah Kate for this one. She had her bandage removed this morning at PT, and it was not a fun experience (bear in mind that the bandage was bigger across and longer than a checkbook). As soon as it was over, though, she was back to her old self and wanted to stay and play some more. The therapists here are so wonderful, and they spend a lot of their time smiling and laughing at the things she says and does. I'm not sure if they are that way with all of the children, or just with her, but it does a momma's heart good to know she's having a good time.

We went back to clinic this afternoon to see the neurosurgeon. He is pleased with her progress and said he'll see her back in a year (yes, a year!) He told us it was up to us from this point forward. Thankfully, I had my camera in my purse and got a quick shot of the two of them together. Hopefully she'll walk into the clinic next January on her own.

God has taken care of every need that we have had, even those we hadn't personally brought to his attention. Today was Scott's last day with us, and I've been a little apprehensive about him leaving. Things are going well, and I felt like I could handle most things, but our apartment ("parpet," as Sarah Kate calls it) is upstairs and I've been a little nervous about having to wrangle the wheelchair up three flights of stairs. It's a great wheelchair (many thanks to my friend, Amanda, for letting us use it!), but it's very heavy. Many of you know the problems I've had with my back over the past year, and I have to tell you that I was really concerned that those stairs were going to do me in. Well, today when we showed up for therapy, they commented on how we had this cushion behind Sarah Kate in the chair, because it's a little too deep for her short legs. They told us that they had just happened to have someone turn in a loaner stroller-type wheelchair that might fit better. Guess what? It was perfect! Now we've got one wheelchair for the "parpet", and one for the car when we go to therapy. What a relief!

Be still and know that I am God. - Psalm 46:10

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