Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Standing on the Promises

What a great day we had today! We had a leisurely morning and headed out for a 1:30pm PT appointment. For the first couple of hours, Sarah Kate had it kind of “easy” relative to the first two days of this week. She worked on knee-walking backwards, standing up and down, and going up and down stairs. She then spent about 50 minutes in the prone stander.

At the end of the session, Lisa worked with her at length on her standing and walking. It is now a “rule” that when it’s time to go, she has to walk out of the office – either with canes, holding onto the wall, or being assisted by Lisa. She did cry this afternoon, but not until “on the way out” and only because she was afraid. Lisa was helping her to stand from a seated position, and to walk without assistance. She couldn’t do either one well, but the fact that she was able to do it at all is very encouraging. I am absolutely certain that when she gains her confidence, she will be able to do both on her own. I was so proud of her today!

I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. – Psalm 34:4

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